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Seminars and workshops

Journey with us in RCIA

In October we will begin a new journey in faith to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish family through Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, RCIA.   

We invite you to learn what the Church teaches in an open and welcoming environment.  These sessions also are opportunities for you to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the Church.  These gatherings are for inquirers and are open to people who are unbaptized, as well as those who are baptized Christians from other denominations, and for Catholics who were baptized but did not receive the sacraments on Confirmation and/or Eucharist.  

For more information please contact the office at 306-522-8583.

FORMED is changing lives

In the midst of a busy culture, people everywhere are turning to formed.org and finding the peace and joy that can only come from God.  At formed.org, you can stream hundreds of Catholic films, life-changing talks, and dramatic stories of the saints.
Try it FREE today at formed.org.

Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Edward Sri, and Fr. Michael Schmitz are just a few of the faces you’ll find on FORMED.
It’s simply the best Catholic content anywhere online.
Every day, we receive emails from our subscribers telling us that their lives are being changed in profound ways. 

"I absolutely love this resource! FORMED has been greatly used by God to bring me into the Catholic Church. Thank you!"

Engaged to be married?  Congratulations!  A Wedding is a Day...  A Marriage is a Lifetime! 

Spend the weekend with us to assist you in preparing for a lifetime of marital love!  Registration is open for our last Catholic Engaged Encounter Marriage Preparation Retreat Weekend for 2017.  Cost is $480 per couple and includes 2 nights accommodation at Wood Acres Retreat Centre in Moose Jaw, 5 meals and all course materials. Weekend starts at 7pm on Friday, November 17th and ends by 3pm on Sunday the 19th. For more information or to register go to the CEEwest website here and click the Register button, or call Stella and Ron Anderson at (306)-596-2951.  2018 dates will be determined by the end of October and posted on CEEwest website.


Regina Deanery Fall Mission

The Regina Deanery Pastoral Council is holding a Fall Mission for all the Regina and surrounding area parishes.  It will be hosted by Holy Cross Parish, 315 Douglas Ave. E. and will run from Sunday, November 5th - Wednesday, November 8th.  The Mission will be facilitated by Father Eugene "Red" O'Reilly, a Redemptorist priest from Toronto.  Please see poster for more details.  Everyone is welcome

Ministry of Care Training 

 Are you called to visit the sick, elderly or homebound?  “Ministry of Care Training” (sponsored by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Regina) is open to all faith communities.  This one-day program is an introduction to those who would like to know more about being a Spiritual Care Visitor within a health care facility but also valuable for parish/church home and nursing home ministry.  The workshop will occur Saturday, September 9, 2017 – please contact Karen Ziegler at 306-766-5991 or Susan Askin at  639-625-7092 for further information or for a registration form.   

Hope for Troubled Families

Families Anonymous (FA) is a twelve-step, self-help support group of families of drug abusers and others with behavioral problems. When a young person is in trouble the whole family is also in trouble and needs help. The purpose of the group is to help the family. They can learn how families in similar situations have dealt with it.

Check out the website at www.familiesanonymous.org.

Meetings in Regina are held every Thursday at Christ Lutheran Church, 4825 Dewdney Ave., beginning at 7:30 p.m. For more information contact Sheila – 306-949-0491 or Beth 306-545- 7198.

Master of Religious Education (MRE) Degree

Good news! It is now possible for teachers to obtain a Master of Religious Education (MRE) degree in Saskatchewan! An extension site of Edmonton's Newman Theological College has been established in Saskatoon where the ten required courses are offered by local instructors on selected weekends and during the first two weeks of July. Some courses may also be taken on-line. This degree is recognized by the Teacher Classification Board for salary purposes.

To join the new cohort, which begins in January 2017, submit your application form and university transcripts to the registrar by November 22, 2016. For further information, you may consult the Newman College website or email the registrar at or contact Sister Teresita Kambeitz at or at 306-653- 1499.

Those who instruct others in righteousness will shine like stars for all eternity (Dan. 12:3).


St. Theresa of Calcutta

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was canonized on September 4. Our Archdiocesan Resource Centre is inviting everyone to know her faith life story through the many excellent DVDs that everyone in the diocese can borrow free of charge (please call Sr. Rufina at 352- 1651 ext. 238 or email rdubao@archregina.sk.ca).

For more information or to book an item, or, feel free to come in and browse at 445 Broad St. North. You can also browse on-line and submit an on-line request atwww.archregina.sk.ca

Archdiocesan Resource Centre  

Looking for something to feed your soul this summer?  Check out some of the wonderful new books and DVDs that we just got in at the Archdiocesan Resource Centre at 445 Broad Street North.

 Drop in to browse or take a look on line at www.archregina.sk.ca. 

Retrouvaille helps hurting marriages!    

When couples experience difficulties in their marriage, they often feel alone; like there is no one who can help them.  Retrouvaille cares about your marriage.  Please consider registering for the Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vie) program before you consider divorce.  

For confidential information about or to register for the September 16-18, 2016 weekend in Saskatoon, call (306) 6527155 or email: retrouvaille@sasktel.net.